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In case of a car accident, despite whose fault it was, we will finance expenses needed to repair your or victim's car.
If third person intentionally damaged your car, we will cover your financial loss.
These kind of cases are connected to big financial losses, but you can stay calm - we will reimburse your loss.
If someone steals your car or its part, we will reimburse you.
Hail, storm, earthquake, flood - if this natural disasters damage your car, we will reimburse you.
If something, even a tree falls on your parked car, we will reimburse you even in this case.

Limit -5 000 Gel
a month
Popular 10%

Limit - 10 000 GEL
a month

Service Scheme

What services are financed?

Insured Risks

With policy Auto Fix your car is insured for 5000 or 10 000 GEL limit. Car accident (No matter the fault), Liability, theft, robbery, fallen things, fire-explosion, glass damage, natural disasters, vandalism. დეტალურად

Loyalty Program Ecoist

Ecoist is our loyalty program. As soon as you are insured, you enter this program and start collecting ecocoins. 5% of your fee is returned to you every month as Ecocoins. You can use Ecocoins to buy a new insurance package or renew an old one. 1 Ecocoin = 1 Gel. You collect Ecocoins even if you insure another person's car. You can check your collected EcoCoins in our MyGPI app. დეტალურად

Auto service group 24/7

Our assistance group is always on call, 24/7. In case of a car accident, they will help you with the police and/or other car's owner.

Why should I choose Auto Fix?

You don't need much effort to understand Auto Fix conditions. They are simple - every risk is financed for 90%.
Auto Fix is most affordable insurance. Fee is fixed - 40 or 50 Gel a month.
With Auto Fix your car is insured from any risk. Even liability against third person is included.

How to fit smart car insurance?

With auto active package L you can decrease monthly fee by 20%!
Learn More

Could not decide?

Don't worry, our consultant will help you choose the best policy for you.


Real Stories


I stated the accident with an app, without calling the police and got reimbursed online

I took a bad turn and hit the curb. My new car got damaged. I was in a hurry, so if I were not able to make a claim with an app, without calling the police, I would have left and not call insurance company.
Valer Darbaidze, 43 Years Old

Autoservice manager took care of everything and I received money in 10 days

After exactly a month from insuring my Nissan, some irresponsible person hit my car. I don't even know how much nerve it would have taken to talk to this person. I stated the accident with an app and asked for the manager to come. Autoservice manager Bacho came and took care of everything. I received money in 10 working days.
Lela Dolidze, 36 Years Old

Auto assistance came at midnight, started my car and in 5 minutes I was already on the road

On Gori highway my car stopped. I was alone and it was already a midnight. I did not know what to do. I called my insurance manager. He told me I could ask for assistance. I was not sure if anyone would come at this time, but fortunately assistance came in half an hour. He started the car with special equipment and left before I could even say thanks. In 5 minutes I was already driving on the highway.
Aleko Mumladze, 29 Years Old

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