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Diverse health insurance packages

GPI Exclusive

Individual Health Insurance Policy with Premium Conditions

Cancer Risk Insurance

Insurance for cancer risks

Plan a Visit to the Doctor Online

You can plan a visit or a phone consultation with a doctor online.

Service Scheme

What services are financed?

Personal Doctor/Pediatrician

As soon as you get insured, you choose personal doctor or pediatrician in our service clinics. With policy Medi you can insure your child from the age of 1. Personal doctor/pediatrician gets to know your medical history, controls your health, gives you recommendations and referrals. Helps you to get outpatient services. დეტალურად

Outpatient Services

Policy Medi finances planned and urgent outpatient services. As soon as insurance is active, you can use medical services such as: visit to a doctor, tests. If you receive this services in our provider clinics, you will only pay your share. დეტალურად


You can buy prescribed medication in our partner pharmacy chains and only pay your share. დეტალურად

Preventive Tests

Insurance fully financed screening and preventive tests related to your gender and age. Your personal doctor will help you to plan them. დეტალურად

Hospital Care

Policy Medi covers planned and urgent surgeries. Urgent hospital care is financed as soon as insurance is active. For planned surgeries waiting period is 1 year, which means after an year planned surgeries fill also be financed. დეტალურად


Policy Medi finances urgent and planned dentistry services in our provider clinics. დეტალურად

Medical Second Opinion

Diagnosis made in Georgia is sent to best clinics in the world. Insured person chooses the country and the clinic. Double checked diagnosis and treatment plan will be available in 10 working days. დეტალურად

Can't decide?

Don't worry, our insurance consultant will help you chose a policy


Reimbursed Amounts

See what amounts were reimbursed during the year
1,2345,00 ₾

Total Reimbursed Amount 

455,790 ₾

Reimbursed Expenses For Ouptaient Services


Reimbursed Surgeries 

97,600 ₾

Reimbursed Dental Expenses

Frequently Asked

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