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Travel Insurance - For a safe and calm traveling

If you need medical help while traveling, call Euro-Center Prague-ის (+420) 221 860 615 or our hotline +995322505111.

After returning to Georgia you can send us documents for reimbursement during first month. 

You choose the currency while buying the insurance - USD or EU. Compensation will be paid in according to the exchange rate for this currency. 

How do I get reimbursed?

  • Reimbursement Process

    Reimbursement Process

    If while being abroad you paid the full price for medical services, you should send us document in one month after coming back and you will be reimbursed. 

    Necessary Documents 

    For reimbursment you will need the following documents: 1. Original policy document 2. Origian medical certificate: with you name, surname, diagnosis, used medical services and prices, treatment 3. If accident happened, notice given by local competent body about the accident 4. Payment document originals or verified copies, checks for buying the medication and prescribtions 5. Passport

    Instructions if you lost baggage or it got damaged

    If registered baggage got lost or damaged on the airport territory, you should contact airline and ask for corresponding documentation. You should send this documents to us. 

    Reimbursement for damaged baggage

    If regustered baggage gets damaged, compesation will be given in your chosen currency while buying the policy. 25$/EU will be deducted from damaged items full price. 


    Reimbursement for lost baggage

    If registered baggage gets lots, compensation will be given with deduction of franchise - 25$/EU on every kg. 

    Maximum limit it 500$/EU.


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