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Car Insurance - For calm and comfortable driving

Car insurance can be used in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Every month when you pay car insurance fee, you collect ecocoins. You can use this coins to buy or renew your insurance.

Within the car isnurance you can use additional services - Autoservice 24/7 group and auto assistance. 

What services are financed?

  • Auto Active

    Policy Auto Active has three packages: M, L and XL. 

    Auto Active L and XL

    Both packages cover insurance cases such as:

    • Car accident, no matter the fault
    • Theft, roberry, carjacking 
    • Fire, explosion
    • Vandalism
    • Fallen things, glass, mirror, car details and accesories damage
    • Natural Disasters - flood, landslide, hail, storm

    Difference between Auto Active package L and XL: package L includes francise. Francise is a minimal amount, that is not reimbursed. For this package you pay less, so with package L you can decrease fee amount significantly. 

    Insurance Fee also depends on driver's age, car's value and release date. Insurance limit depends on car's price on the market. 

    Auto Active M package

    This package only insures car accident, no matter the fault. 
    M package can be bought with francise or without it. Francie is the minimum amount that is not reimbursed. Policy price depends on it. If you choose a policy with franchise, you will pay less. You can decrease fee amount significantly. 

    Insurance Fee also depends on driver's age, car's value and release date. Insurance limit depends on car's price on the market. 

    Improving the package

    You can improve Auto Active packages while buying them and add liability against third person, also insure driver and passengers from car accidents. With this additional services fee will increase slightly, but you will be insured against property and health damage costs. 

    Auto Active can be used in Georgia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.


  • Liability Insurance

    This package covers the costs for damages to other person's property or health, when car accident was your fault. 

    Price of the policy depends on insurance limit - you can choose 5000, 7000 or 10,000 GEL limits and every month you will pay 6, 9 or 12 GEL. In this case car release date and driver's age don't matter. 

    In case of a car accident, if other person's car gets damaged, franchise is active. Franchise is 100 GEL, which means that is loss was 500 GEL, you will be reimbursed for 400 GEL. 

    Damage to other person's life or health doesn't have a francise, so loss will be fully reimbursed, depending on the limit. 

    To buy this insurance, you don't need to insuare your car first. This package can be bought individually. 

  • Additional Services

    Car insurance additionally includes auto service group 24/7. In case of a car accident this service group will help you with insurance procedures and with police and third party. 

    With policy AutoClassic you can also use Auto Assistance. If needed they will bring you gas, change a tire or starts the car. Also, if necessary will send you evacuator. Auto Assitance service is available in all the big cities and their 25km radius: Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Poti and Zugdidi. 

  • Ecoist

    Ecoist is our loyalty program that you enter from the moment of insurance. You collect ecocoins. From your monthly fee 5% is returned to you as coins. You can use them to renew or buy a new policy. 1 Ecocoin = 1GEL. You collect ecocoins even if you insuare other person's car. 

    Check collected ecocoins in our app MyGPI. 

  • Auto Fix

    Both packages of Auto Fix cover these risks: Car accident (no matter the fault), Theft, roberry, liability against the third person, fallen things, fire-explosion, glass damage. Auto Fix price is fixed - 40 or 50 GEL in a month. Fee depends on insurance limits: 5000 limit insurance costs 40 GEL, 10000 limit insurance - 50. Insurance limit is the maximum amount of money that will be reimbursed. For example, if you have 5000 limit package, financial loss will be paid in this limit. Difference between 40 and 50 GEL packages is only a limit. Both packages cover the same - 90%.


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