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Service Scheme

Insurance limit is between 12 500 - 180 000 Gel and you choose it while buying the insurance.

Onco care policy is active for 4 years. It renews automatically every year without changes in the fee. Every fifth year, if you renew the policy, fee will change according to your age. 

Onco Care has waiting period of six month. This means that compensation will be given if cancer was diagnosed after six month from buying the policy. 

With Onco Care insured person has a chance to double check the dignosis abroad, in his/her desired clinic. Best oncology specialist will study the case. They are known for using most recent medical techniques and best results. In 10 days insured person will receive treatment plan, based on most recent medical standards.

  • Insuring Children

    With Onco Care you can insure your children (up to the age of 18) in the same limits and policy fee will not be increased. You can add children while buying the policy - you just need to enter their private information. 

  • Age Limit

    Onco care can be bought by adults from age 21 to age 65. Children up to ages of 18 can be insured by their parents in the same limit. 

  • Financed Diseases

    Onco Care compensated every disease that is included in international classification (ICD-10) 10th addition C00–C97 codes. Included diseases: leukemia, malignant lymphoma, skin lymphoma, melanoma, Hodgkin dessease, bone marrow malignant changes and sarcoma. 
    Cancer should be confirmed by histopathologic tests. 


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