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After cancer dignosis insured person will receive compensation up to 150 000 GEL and have total freedom how to use the money. 

To receive the compensation you will need: Form 100, diagnosis from a clinic, hystopatholgical test results. 

To create Onco Care and compensate insured people we are partnered with Swiss re-insurance company Swiss-Re. 

Insuring Cancer Risks

  • Review Time

    After full documentation is sent to us, we will review it in 10 working days and if it corresponds with policy, compensation will be given.

  • Receiving Compensation

    If cancer dignosis was made insured person should send us following documents: Diagnosis made by licensed clinic, histopathological test results, form 100, insurance policy. 

    Documents will be reviews in 10 working days. Compensation will be transfered to insured persons bank account. In this case person insured with Onco Care doesn't need to tell us intent of using the money, or calculation and prescribtion. 
    Onco Care gives compensation and not reimbursing the medical expenses. Insured person decided how to use the compensation.

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