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How much does Auto Fix cost?

48 or 60 gel a month. Cost depends on the limits. 5000 gel limit costs 40 gel, 10 000 limit - 50.

What does insurance limit mean?

Insurance limit is an amount which will be compensated. For example: if you have 5000 limit package, loss will be compensated within this limit.

Is there difference between coverages in Auto Fix packages?

No, 48 and 60 gel packages only differ in limits. Both of them have coverage of 90%


What risks are covered by Auto Fix?

Auto Fix covers: car accident no matter the fault, theft, robbery, liability against the third person, falled things, explosion-fire, glass damage. 


Does Auto Fix have exceptions?

Both packaged of Auto Fix have only two exceptions - drunk driving and unverifiable circumstances. 

What kind of vehicle can I insure with Auto Fix?

With Auto Fix you can only insure a car. 

Does Auto Fix include liability insurance?

Both packaged of Auto Fix include liability insurance. 

Can I use auto assistance?

Yes, in case of a car accident, you can use auto assistance for free.