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Policy Comfort - For a Calm Life

We will make sure you are a good neighbour. If neighbours rennovations or furniture got damaged because of you, we will pay them compensation.


Your home will be insured against natural disasters (hail, storm, flood). 

If sewer, electrical, water or heating systems stop working, you can avoid these expenses with policy Comfort. 

What services are financed?

  • Insured Risks

    Policy comfort insures your home from water damage by neighbour, heating, water, sewer and electrical system damages. Also natural disasters such as: rain, hail, strong wind. Also from fire, explosion, theft, roberry and vandalism. With policy Comfort you can insure appartment or house up to 300 square meters. If your home is bigger then this, find a consultant on this link. He/she will help you with insurance process.

  • Liability Insurance

    If you add this service to your policy Comfort (for only 5 Gel a month), you will be insured in a case when neighbours home is damaged because of you.

  • Rent Reimbursement

    If damage made it impossible to live in your home, premum package of policy Comfort will finance your rent for 3 months. This time will be enough for your rennovations to be completed. 

Frequently Asked

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