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Policy Comfort - For a Calm Life

Limits depend on your insurance package. For damaged renovations compensation is up to 500 ₾ for a square meter. In case of furniture - up to 20,000 ₾. 

If damage made impossible to live in your home, premium package will finance your rent too. 

You will also get reimbursed for damaged furniture and home appliances that you put down in the policy. 

You should make a report about the loss in our call centre 0322505111. After that expert will assess the damage and you will get reimbursed. 


How do I get reimbursed?

  • Reimbursement Process

    Reporting an incident 
    To report the loss you should contact our hotline 0322505111. Our manager will contact you, visit your home and assess the damage. You will get reimbursed in 1 day. 

    Reimbursing the loss after natural disasters

    If natural disaster damaged your home, furniture or home applianced, after reporting the incident, we will need to contact enviromental protection agency to get the meteorological notice about natural disaster in a specific time period. If it was above the limit - you will be reimbursed. 

    Liability against the third party

    If you purchased this service with the standard package, we will finance renovation costs for your neigbour, whose house was damaged bacause of you. If your neighbour also has home insurance, compensation will be paid from your insurance limit. 

    Reimbursement Details

    Policy Comofort standard package finances renovation costs up to 300 GEL on every square meter. Franchise will be deducted from the compensation - 5% of the financial loss (min. 100 Gel) Premium package compensation is up to 500 GEL on every square meter, also with francise. 

    If items in your home were damaged, loss for every item will be fiinanced depending on the assesment and 150GEL will be deducted. 




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