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Most Comfortable Insurance Service

With corporate package you have total freedom to choose a desired clinic. You will receive a service in any clinic without personal doctor's referral. 

Best clinics iand laboratories in all over the country are in your service. 

You can use many different insurance services remotely with our online platforms: the app and the website

What services are financed?

  • Personal Doctor/Pediatrician

    The general practitioner of your choice takes medical histories, monitors your health, plans preventive measures, monitors the risk of developing various diseases. A personal physician gives you recommendations, necessary references and referrals to receive outpatient services.

    You can choose a personal doctor or a pediatrician in our service clinics immediately after insurance.

    To select a personal doctor, you need to contact us on hotline 0322505111 or you can book your first appointment online.

    If you already have a personal doctor, you can sign up for a visit online both on the web and with the application - MyGpi, or contact us on the hotline - 0322505111 (Curatio - 0322430101).


  • Outpatient Services

    Outpatient services include both planned and emergency outpatient cases.
    Depending on what your package covers, you can get emergency outpatient services at any clinic.
    There is no need to make an agreement or apply for referral when you use provider clinic. You only pay your share.

    You will pay in full at a non-provider clinic and then reimburse online.

    If the policy contains different schemes of planned outpatient services, you can receive the services taking into account the following conditions:

    a) Service and provider in clinics - you need a personal doctor's referral*, you only pay your share.

    b) In privileged provider clinics - you don't need a doctor's referral*, an ID or an insurance card is enough and you only pay your share.

    c) In a non-provider clinic - pay the service cost in full. Then get reimbursed online. To be reimbursed, you will need Form 100/Doctor's Prescription, Payment Order and Receipt.

    You can ask for referral online in advance. You will receive it as an SMS and submit it to the clinic. You can request referral to privileged clinics on the spot.

  • Hospital Care

    This service provides such medical services for which you have to spend the night in the clinic.

    Note that your package may imply a waiting period for scheduled hospital services.

    In order to receive financing for planned hospitalization in both provider and non-provider clinics, it is necessary to request a letter of guarantee. This is proof that your surgery is being funded and transferred to the provider clinic where you plan to have the surgery. You can request a warranty letter online. You will need form 100 and the calculation of the operation (cost accounting).

    If you have surgery in the provider hospital clinics, we will send the guarantee letter to the clinic and you will pay only your share.

    And in a non-provider clinic, you will pay the amount in full and then get reimbursed online.

    Emergency hospitalization in clinics is financed as soon as the insurance is active. It is no longer necessary to request a guarantee letter from your side, the clinic provides formal procedures in case of emergencies.

    Emergency hospitalization in non-provider clinics is also financed. Note that you may need to pay in full and then get reimbursed online.

  • Dentistry

    Planned dental services include dentist appointments, tooth filling, anesthesia, cleaning, mechanical removal of stones and plaques, planned dental surgical manipulation.

    Urgent dental services include tooth removal based on strong pain and/or anesthesia and is financed in any dental clinic.

    The policy also includes discounts on the following procedures in provider clinics - braces, implantation, dental prostheses, orthodontic, orthopedic services.

    It is not necessary to make a prior agreement with us to receive services at the provider dental clinic. You book a visit to the desired clinic and pay only your share.

    You can see the terms of scheduled dental services, coverage, list of provider clinics and other details in your private cabinet online.

    When receiving an emergency service at a non-provider clinic, you first pay in full and then get reimbursed online.

    Please note that financing requires an X-ray (dentogram) prior to service.

  • Pregnancy - Childbirth

    Services related to pregnancy and childbirth can be used in any clinic.

    In the case of pregnancy, receiving services is similar to planned outpatient services, and you can see the details in your private cabinet.

    It is not necessary to submit preliminary documents and request a letter of guarantee for the financing of childbirth, the maternity clinic organizes the procedures related to financing together with us in agreement with us. In any maternity clinic, you only pay your share.


  • Preventive Tests

    With corporate policy you can undergo preventive tests and screenings, depending on your age and gender, every year in your service clinic. Personal doctor will help you plan them. 


  • Medication

    It is possible to purchase the medicine with co-financing with the involvement of a personal doctor or in case of consultation at our privileged provider clinic.

    If you receive services at a privileged provider clinic, based on the prescription of any doctor of the same clinic, you can request a referral online from your private cabinet, within 20 minutes you will receive a referral in the form of an SMS.

    You can pay the amount in full at the pharmacy, and then get reimbursed online. It is necessary to present a doctor's prescription during reimbursement.

Frequently Asked

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