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Property Insurance

The policy is a property insurance policy with terms tailored to small businesses - fixed price and limit.
The policy compensates the business within the given limit for property damage caused by different risks and lost profits due to business downtime.
Due to property damage, unearned profits and fixed costs during the period necessary for its repair will be reimbursed by GPI.
With additional coverage, for only 10 GEL per month, in addition to the standard conditions, electrical risks are insured with a limit of 20,000 GEL.


Limit - 20 000 GEL
In a month


Limit - 50 000 GEL
In a month

What risks do we cover?

Property destroyed due to sudden fire will be compensated within the stipulated limit.
The insurance covers the value of the stolen products and property within the relevant limit.
The policy "Business" will cover property damage caused by floods.
Robbery of Cash
The cash stolen during the robbery will be reimbursed in the amount of a maximum of three days' sales.
Damage to the plumbing
The risks of failure of the sewage system are insured with the policy "Business".
Disruption of activities
Loss of profit and fixed expenses caused by property damage will be reimbursed within a fixed limit.

How can I receive reimbursement?

For stable and steady development of your business

What do you do in case of damages?

In the event of an accident, you should immediately contact us on the hotline at 032 2 505 111 or write to us by e-mail - info@gpih.ge.

Are you interested?

Leave us your contact information, our representative will contact you soon, offer you insurance tailored to your business and answer all your questions.
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