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Businesses depend on the functionality of machinery that is directly related to their operations. An out-of-order machinery can threaten the business. It is these unforeseen risks that are insured by machinery breakdown insurance.
With machinery breakdown insurance, you can insure all types of machines, devices, electrical equipment, technological and production lines, electronic data processing systems, medical devices, telecommunication systems, and other devices and equipment.
Machinery breakdown insurance is a guarantee of stable financial development for all small, medium and large businesses whose activities and income depend on the proper functioning of tangible assets.
You can also purchase loss of profit insurance along with machinery breakdown insurance. This means that due to equipment downtime, unearned profits and fixed costs during the period required for their repair will be reimbursed by GPI.

Error or carelessness
No one is immune from mistakes. If the machine is damaged due to carelessness or improper operation, the costs will be reimbursed to you.
Manufacturing Defect
If the damage to the device is caused by a manufacturing defect, manufacturing or assembly error, the damage caused will be fully reimbursed.
A sudden change in electricity
If the machine is out of order due to a short circuit, sudden surge or drop in voltage, you will be reimbursed.
Failure of cooling or heating equipment
If the damage to your unit is caused by a cooling or heating device failure, we will reimburse you for the costs
If the machine is damaged by a thunder or other atmospheric discharge, the costs will be covered.
Loss of profit caused by business interruption
You will be reimbursed for the loss of profit and fixed costs caused by this reason during the downtime of the machinery.

How can I receive reimbursement?

For stable and steady development of your business

What do you do in case of damages?

In the event of an accident, you should immediately contact us on the hotline at 032 2 505 111 or write to us by e-mail - info@gpih.ge.

Are you interested?

Leave us your contact information, our representative will contact you soon, offer you insurance tailored to your business and answer all your questions.
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