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Since 17 August, 2021 health insurance policy GPI Exclusive's conditions got better. We added such services, that were financed before.

With policy GPI Exclusive you can now use services that were not covered before: preventive dentistry tests, rechecking the diagnosis, outpatient in clinic Curatio above the limit. Also 30% sale on vitamins and homeopathic medication in our provider pharmacies. For full coverage and limits information see insurance conditions.

How did GPI Exclusive conditions get better?

Rechecking Diagnosis Abroad
With renewed policy GPI Exclusive rechecking diagnosis abroad is 100% financed. This gives you a chance to double check cancer diagnosis or the treatment plan abroad, in the best clinics and with the best specialists in the world. Service is provided by our partner organization Mediguide International. Their representative in Georgia is clinic Curatio.
Vitamins and Homeopathic Medication
With every package of renewed GPI Exclusive you can use 30% financing for vitamins and homeopathic medication in our provider pharmacy chains.
Hospital Care without Exceptions
Now with GPI Exclusive you can get such services with 50% financing, that were exceptions before. Such services are: inherited/ genetic diseases, sexual disorders, tumors (including malignant ones) diagnosed before insurance, HIV in any phase, diabetes, venereal diseases, psychological disorders, epilepsy, reproduction system disorders, ceasing pregnancy.
30% Sale on Medication
With GPI Exclusive now you can use 30% sale on medications that are exceptions in your package. You should get consent from your personal doctor and then use sales in PSP and Aversi pharmacies.
Preventive Dental Tests
With renewed GPI Exclusive you are financed for preventive dental tests (100%) once a year, in clinic Universe. Tests include: Orhopaedist, orthodontist, therapist services, intraoral inspection with the camera, fluorine-lacquer application in children. (Preventive measure for dental cavities).
Outpatient Services above the Limit
After spending the whole limits on outpatient services, you can continue to receive them with 60% financing and no limits in clinic Curatio.

News: International medical concierge service

Policy covers medical second opinion service, in top medical clinics abroad.
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