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How do I report an accident?

In case of an accident (Car accident no matter the fault, car damage, damage because of natural disaster and etc) at first don't move your car and call our hotline 03225050111. Or use an app MyGPI. Our manager will contact you and either he will come to the place or will remotely help you. 

Is is important to call the police after the car accident?

Bacause this insurance covers your liability against thid person, calling the police in necessary. 


If a car accident is my fault, will you reimburse me?

Liability insurance covers exactly this case. Except the cases when driver was drunk driving or infringed criminal law. 

How do I get reimbursed?

With liability insurance we will service damaged party within your insurance limits, without involving you. 

What's included in additional services?

Auto service group and auto assistance are always there to help you. 

What services does autoservice group have?

As soon as you report an accident, autoservice group will arrive and help you with police and the third party. He/she will explain the compensation process and will give you an advice. 

What services does auto assistance group have?

Auto Assistance will help you while driving - if you suddenly ran out of gas, your car stopped or something got damaged. Auto Assistance will come to you - they will bring gas, start the car or change your tire. If needed, they will send evacuator too. 

How and when can I use online services?

An app MyGPI will make is easy to use a car insurance. In case of an accident you can report it with an app, without calling the hotline. You can report exactly what happened and send the pictures of the damage and wait for the manager. Also from an app you can check payments also active auto payments, so you don't miss one. Ecocoins are also collected in the app and you can exchange them there. 

What is Ecoists?

Ecoists is a movement that you enter from the moment of insurance. You collect points. 5% of your fee is returned to you as ecocoins and you can use them to renew or buy insurance. You can also collect ecocoins with healthy lifestyle. 1 ecocoin = 1₾


How do I collect ecocoins with a healthy lifestyle?

Download an app MyGpi, check ecoist page. You will see that you can collect ecocoins if you drink at least 2 litre water, walk, buy a bicycle and have a kempt car.