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GPI is the first insurance company in Georgia that introduced a voluntary insurance product sales system through banking channels and has successfully cooperated with various leading financial institutions in this direction for more than 15 years.

GPI partner banks: Bank of Georgia, TBC Bank, Liberty Bank, ProCredit Bank, Isbank Georgia; Ziraat Bank, microfinance organization Crystal.

Consumers have the opportunity to easily and conveniently buy the insurance products they want (mandatory or voluntary) at the branches of banks.

Banking Products


In what cases is purchasing of insurance mandatory?

Mandatory - loan-related insurance refers to life and property insurance, which the bank requires from the customer in case of taking a loan. In this way, the customer is insured from unforeseen circumstances from the loan payment viewpoint.

Which Insurance products are available to buy in bank branches?

Car Insurance Third-Party liability insurance Apartment/House/Cottage Insurance Health Insurance Travel Insurance Cattle Insurance

How to activate auto responsibility insurance in the mobile bank?

You can easily and conveniently activate the third-party auto liability insurance in the Bank of Georgia mobile bank in 5 minutes.
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In Bank of Georgia's Any Branch

You can buy GPI insurance at any branch of the Bank of Georgia
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