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Carrier's Liability

With carrier's liability insurance your business is insured from different risks:

T1 - Cargo insurance - you are insured for lost or damaged cargo. 

T2 - Mistakes Liability Insurance - You are insured in cases when you fulfill the contract later than agreed upon or don’t fulfill at all. 

T3 - Liability against third person - If a third person’s property, health or life was harmed because of you, you are also insured for this risk. 

T4- Paying a penalty fine - you are insured.

T5 - You are insured from extra expenses that happened during transporting the cargo. 


GPI Holding has an active relationship with international reinsurance companies. We offer you insurance conditions fit to your business, to help you avoid obstacles and help you develop.


How to get a refund?

For stable development of your business

What do you do in case of financial loss?

In case of financial loss you have to immediately call our hotline 032 2 505 111 or write to us on email - info@gpih.ge.

What documents will I need?

You will need conclusion from an independent and competent surveyor about the cause and amount of financial loss. If accident happened in Georgia, we will take care of this conclusion. Information about cargo - Invoice, CMR and etc. Complaint letter to people/company towards whom carrier is responsible (For example: cargo receiver or ordering company, or both) Depending on the case we might ask for additional information.

GPI Holding's Renewed Offer

"Carriers, and especially smaller carriers, have faced great challenges due to the pandemic, so it was important for us to enable these companies to have financial risks insurance."
Read the article
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